7719 Wood Hollow Dr. #200
Austin, TX 78731
Advocates for the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
Your ATOMA Advocates are working to:
- Award medical student scholarships
- Donate white coats to incoming medical students in collaboration with TOMA
- Connect families of Texas osteopathic physicians
- Facilitate support of medical student spouses and significant others through the Student Advocate Association (SAA)
- Participate in public education programs
- Coordinate ATOMA programs with AAOA national programs
ATOMA Officers and Committee Chairs:
- President, Deidre Froelich
- President Elect, Susan Selman
- Treasurer, Linda Kazen Garza
- Secretary, Mona Sanderlin
- Social Committee, Wendy McDonald and Melinda Wright
- TCOM-SAA Advisor, Christa Cox
- UIWSOM-SAA Advisors, Mona Sanderlin and Linda Kazen Garza